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About GNRR

GNRR is a regular event where people can read graphic novels in other people’s company in a relaxed space such as a cafe, a community centre or a library. A wide selection of graphic novels are provided to chose from, mainly long-form fiction and non-fiction. The sessions can be anything from a couple of hours to a whole day and people can come and go freely.

Everybody at the event will be reading something different and there is no formal discussion about the books. People are encouraged to attend on their own or with friends - everybody over 18 is welcome. A sociable and calm atmosphere is established and drinks and snacks are usually available - depending on the venue.

GNRR can also travel and set up a Reading Room as an activity for schools, universities, workplaces, charities or art festivals or as a pop-up space.

The purpose of the events is threefold:

  1. to introduce new people to graphic novels and to give access to a inspiring selection of books for those who already love comics
  2. to create a comfortable space where people can properly unwind and be with others in a non-pressured environment
  3. to promote artists, publishers, festivals, indie bookshops and businesses and the comics community


You can find out more about the GNRR from an interview at Broken Frontiers and in an article in NowThen magazine.

A full list of titles can be found at The StoryGraph. If there’s a particular title you’d like read you can reserve a book for any event by getting in touch below. Just say which book you’d like, at which event.


The next event is:

GNRR x Novel Sheffield residency - long-term pop-up

on Thursday 20 February

Graphic Novel Reading Room is popping up in its very own space upstairs at Novel Sheffield bookshop cafe in February. Whether you’re new to comics or already a a comics enthusiast, you are welcome to this calm and social reading space, which you can access anytime during Novel opening hours. (You can check the GNRR opening dates and times and also book tickets here.)

Hundreds of graphic novels and zines are provided for you to read, mostly of the literary kind in many different genres: fiction, non-fiction, memoir, science fiction, horror, graphic medicine, manga etc. If you thought comics are just about superheroes, this is a great opportunity to see a whole range of amazing comics that you didn’t know existed. Recommendations can be provided by Gabi, the GNRR host, or you can browse freely to sample the many different topics and graphic styles.

It’s a casual event: everybody reads their own choice of book(s) and there is no group discussion of any kind. You’re welcome to arrive and leave at your leisure, read just the one story or several, chat quietly or seek silence while you’re reading.

Novel Sheffield will be providing their delicious food and drinks offerings to keep you company while you’re reading.

Price: Pay-what-you-like (£2/hour as a rule of thumb)

Age guidance: 16+, those under 16 can attend with parental supervision

Novel bookshop
221 School Rd
Sheffield S10 1GN

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Book the Gnrr

Are you interested in offering a relaxed reading space as part of your festival, event or venue? Would you like to offer a unique activity for your customers or participants where they can spend their time in a calm, comfortable but sociable environment, being absorbed in graphic art? Graphic Novle Reading Room is now available for bookings as an event across the UK.

If you have an:

  • event space
  • cafe
  • university space
  • workplace
  • library reading room
  • comic art, literary, cultural or music festival
  • empty shop that’s suitable for a pop-up event

and you’d like to fill it with people and wonderful vibes, please get in touch.

Previous clients include:

  • Thought Bubble ComicCon
  • Wellcome Collection
  • University of Sheffield
  • MACC-POW comic art festival
  • Off the Shelf literary festival

All space, furniture requirements and fees can be discussed by contacting me.


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